I am a Research Scientist at Meta. I got my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Prof. Vivek Sarkar in the Habanero Extreme Scale Software Research Laboratory. I received my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University in 2017.
My Ph.D. research focused on integrating machine learning into programming systems to enhance code performance and programming productivity. I developed deep learning methodologies across various domains, including code semantic similarity, type inference, test generation, and compiler optimization. Additionally, I worked on debugging parallel programs using static analysis techniques, such as symbolic execution and polyhedral analysis.
First Place in the 6th ISC‑HPCAC Student Cluster Competition, 2017
Champion in ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge, 2017
Second Place in the 5th ISC‑HPCAC Student Cluster Competition, 2016
First Prize in the “Challenge Cup” Tsinghua University Student Science and Technology Works Competition, Tsinghua University, 2015
Scholarship of Academic Excellence, Tsinghua University, 2014/2015
First Prize in the National College Student Physics Contest, China, 2014